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Regarding Emails sent out:"New post in ${website.Name}"?

So first off, thank you to ALL of you who became members! I hope to make this site interesting soon... I'm still learning how to use all the tools this site has to offer. On that subject, I notice the email campaign (for a lack of better words) seems to word my site as "{website Name}". Maybe it just looks like that on my end or, maybe that's what the emails you guys receive ACTUALLY say. Either way, I'll look into this when I get back from fishing this and/or next week (I fish commercially on a Black Cod Vessel. I'll make a semi-thorough "About Me" page sometime).

Anyway, if you receive any emails from me that you find questioning, don't hesitate to message me or email me about those (you can message me through the chat box I have set up or, just email me at I want to get this site up to par soon and I'm hoping it will become an enjoyable (and more organized) experience for everyone, members and guests alike! I also want to have a page for my sketches and old character lists (basically, more personal stuff) for members only. My old website used to have something similar called "CorkBoard" where I pinned sketches, short stories as well as my old characters and a small description about them... and I want to do something similar to that soon.

All in good time! I hope all of you are doing well. Here are some fishing pictures of me (unrelated to the art and comics!) so you got a small idea and some pictures in your head when I mention that I have to fish... now you have an idea what I head out to fish for (The top picture is the most recent, as I fish on a commercial vessel that fishes Black Cod, sometimes called "Sable")... just another job I do!

sorry for any typos if there's any... I kinda wrote this quick 'cause I gotta head out soon!

Thanks again for your patience!


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