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Old "Whispers" Comics Uploaded.

Updated: Aug 1, 2020

Again, for those of you who don't know me too well (or, at all), most of the art (you will soon see [again]) on this site is based around the series of characters I made in 1992 till about 1997. These characters revolved around stories and comics I made during that time period. On the subject of the comics though, I started the early 90's with 6 of them that I would make on a regular basis..."Whispers" was the 3rd comic out of those 6. "Whispers" was created 1992 and was a comic about two mutated sisters, Crystal (a girl with the likeness of a fairy) and Jennifer (a girl having the likeness of a she-devil), attempting to kill each other.

The comic went on in this fashion from 1992 till about the end of 1996. From then on, the comics would focus more on their opposites and how they relate (or don't relate) as sisters. "Whispers" was also an "art" series (starting in 1994) which included brief depictions of the type of troubles and adversaries they face in their life (Each little picture on a page would not follow any order of the other surrounding pictures. They are much like the art I do on "Bleeder Pages" today). I may upload the old "Art" later on and may even make an "Old Art" tab for them (and all the other concepts of which, most never had comics made of them "Witches vs Fairies", "Simon the Cop", "Lil' Jonny", ect...) in the future, but for now, here's two examples of what kind of "Art" series they were. "Whispers" was also a short story I did 1996 which explained their mutation, their life as carnival oddities and their very long journey back home while being pursued by adversaries from the Innermost Depths, The 2nd Heaven and leaders desiring to find out how their mutations could be replicated. Today, "Whispers" is still an Art series but I may continue to make more comics of them and in the future.

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