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Old "Stripes" Comics Uploaded.

And, I added the "Comics" tab back, just in general! I've spent a whole day dedicated to re-scanning the old comics I had on my last website (and man, that took the whole day!).

For those of you who don't know me too well (or, at all), most of the art (you will soon see [again]) on this site is based around the series of characters I made in 1992 till about 1997. These characters revolved around stories and comics I made during that time period. On the subject of the comics though, I started the early 90's with 6 of them that I would make on a regular basis..."Stripes" was the 2nd comic out of those 6. "Stripes" was created 1992 and It was shortly after I made "Stripes" that I decided to call the 2 comic series I had at that time "Curiosity Comics".

Throughout that time, I also made a lot of other characters and concepts as well but did not make comics out of them. Instead, they turned into a series of pictures revolving around a short story description. I may talk more and may even upload them... but this is a "Stripes" post.

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